Thought leadership, insight and commentary for digital agency leaders
We regularly publish articles, insights and white papers collated for you here. Use the tag cloud to filter our archive based on topics you find interesting.
N.B. We’ve recently migrated our website to our new platform and this section is still a work in progress. Please bear with us whilst we tidy things up (expect a few fonts to be out of place, images missing and broken links in the interim).
7 Behaviours of Underperforming Agencies #1 - Dodging the Data
Without data you’re flying blind: destination unknown, route unclear, situation uncertain.
We articulate why data matters and what data to track for agency growth, profitability and, ultimately, your own and your clients’ satisfaction.
How best to utilise your team members to build trust and understanding of your business.
GYDA leader, Robert Craven, uncovers the fundamental gaps between agency leaders and the teams that support them and why it's crucial not to overestimate your team's level of engagement in areas of the business you rightly obsess over.
Ditch The Guesswork - Get All Over Your Agency’s Numbers
15% is the new agency breakeven EBITDA. What’s your number?
If you don’t know, you should.
Wake up and smell the coffee: the numbers must add up if you want to grow your agency.
Let us run you through what stats you need to track - and how you can get control of the numbers.
The Customer is Still King: Customer Experience in 2023
73% of consumers say that customer experience (CX) is a deciding factor when purchasing. And after a bad customer experience? Nearly 89% of customers will switch to a competitor.
It's time to ensure your agency delivers a top-notch service and a customer journey fit for a king.
Unpalatable Questions a Shareholder Should Ask
We have produced a Shareholder’s Cheat Sheet. A guide to the questions you need to be asking yourself. A decent shareholder would ask some of these so why would you not ask them of yourself?
Five HR Hacks Of High-Performing Agencies That You Need to Know
Numbers can be revealing: even when it comes to personnel. What’s the ratio in your agency between fee earners and non fee earners? Have you dug into how your staff hours are being utilised?
State of the Nation 2022 - where we've been, what's ahead
From the very beginning of 2022, the world had to adapt to another new reality, a changing landscape, reminding us that only one thing is certain: we don't know what's ahead. Robert and Janusz wrap up GYDA’s year by looking at what's been and what you can do to prepare your digital agency for 2023.
The Coaching-Mastermind Conundrum and Tight Budgets
With times getting tough, the investment in one-to-one interventions may not seem so very attractive; one-to-many activities will not give you the attention you need. Whereas the mastermind gives you the right blend of stimulation, attention, learning and accountability.
How to win (going in and) coming out of the impending recession
Recession may be the best time to grow your agency. If we get it right, we can win in this most difficult of times - read how…
Article - What You Risk Without a Clear Strategy - and Why Your Team Will Thank You For One
95% of employees in 2020 stated they didn't understand their organisation’s strategy. Are you communicating clearly with your team about a shared goal which they understand will directly benefit them? What happens if you aren't? This week's blog explains more. #BusinessGoals
Article - The Biggest Threat to Your Agency’s Success is Not What You Think - Act Now!
If a common trait of the top-performing 4% of companies is not that they’re the smartest, fastest or best in their fields, what's their secret? This week’s blog gets into the traits of 'gazelles', with coaching advice to help your agency thrive.
Article - How to Hit Vital Financial Benchmarks for a Successful Agency
How does your agency compare and how can you help it measure up? This week’s blog has the tools you need to assess your business’ financial health and the steps you can take to improve it.
Article - Wake Up to New Ways of Time-Management
Tried time-boxing, but see the day's demands eat into your allocated space and your goals pushed into the next week, and then the next? We’ve a simple strategy to shake up your working practice and break the cycle: all in the hours immediately after you wake-up. #AgencyCoaching
Article - Why a customer-centric mindset serves both people - and profit
Poor customer experience can lose you that hard won lead, but even well intended ad hoc interactions with your client base can feel like an after-thought - and one that fails to consolidate your relationship with them.
Article - The Perils of Productising SaaS as a Digital Marketing Agency
Do you want to accrue regular and recurring revenue via software-as-a-service to supplement your agency revenue? Our advice is: don’t.
Whilst it might seem the ultimate dream, the reality is nightmarish: we know of no agency who has made a success of selling software-as-a-service.
Article - Building to Sell
If you want to secure a profitable sale for your agency - and one worthy of the effort and hours and emotion you’ve invested in your business - planning its end at its beginning, is not as counter-intuitive as it first appears.
Article - Five Ways to Proactively Respond to The Recruitment Conundrum
In almost all of our coaching sessions - that’s four a day, over 18 months with agencies around the globe - recruitment is the number one and recurring concern of company leads and directors.
Insight - Salary Survey Report 2022
What you'll learn from this report:
Key market trends
C-suite & Executive level insights
A breakdown of salaries across all our specialisms: HR, Marketing, Digital and Agency
Data on key metrics such as average notice periods and gender pay gap
Download now!
Article - Does The Old “Keep Your Team Happy” Mantra Still Apply?
We now have a disproportionate number of younger and different-thinking people in our businesses. Call them snowflakes, if you will, but they have been brought up in different times with different values and ethics. Different from their bosses. Read more from Robert Craven.
Article - Why Strategy Doesn’t Work if You’re Small
You’re small and you’re special. Or you should be.
If you’re running an agency of fewer than fifteen people, it should be focused on doing one specialism smarter, faster and more proficient than your fragmented competitors. Read more from Janusz Stabik.