Thought leadership, insight and commentary for digital agency leaders


We regularly publish articles, insights and white papers collated for you here. Use the tag cloud to filter our archive based on topics you find interesting.

N.B. We’ve recently migrated our website to our new platform and this section is still a work in progress. Please bear with us whilst we tidy things up (expect a few fonts to be out of place, images missing and broken links in the interim).

Articles Robert Craven Articles Robert Craven

How to Speed Up Sales Decisions

One of the top questions we are getting asked right now in our Mastemind groups is: “How can we speed up the time it takes for agency clients to make a decision?” How do we move from endless back-and-forth to a swift, confident “Yes”?

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Articles Robert Craven Articles Robert Craven

Amanda Sokell's 'Unblock' - a book review

Amanda Sokell is a process and productivity expert who helps companies thrive. She’s also a popular speaker, author, entrepreneur, creative, polymath and educationalist; lover of learning, chocolate, dancing and difference.

In a 25-year career spanning public relations, software development, coaching, mentoring and training, Amanda has helped transform the productivity culture of organizations from global pharmaceuticals to family-run microbusinesses.

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Articles Robert Craven Articles Robert Craven

“The Agency Secret” by Anthony Gindin: Book Review

"The Agency Secret" by Anthony Gindin is a must-read for digital agency owners looking to systematise repeatable growth and achieve consistent profitability. As someone who's worked with countless agencies, I can confidently say this book hits the nail on the head. I kep saying “yes, yes, yes…”

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Articles Robert Craven Articles Robert Craven

Acquisition Considerations

This is a question I get every month. 

Someone wants to invest in the agency… to become the majority shareholder… What do I need to think about?

A majority acquisition like this has the potential to accelerate your growth, but it also comes with a host of considerations you need to think through. Very carefully.

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Robert Craven Robert Craven

What Competencies do I Need to Grow and Scale my Agency?

If you're looking to grow and scale your agency, you probably need to sharpen up a few key competencies. I've worked with hundreds of agencies over the years, and the following are the areas that separate the high-performers from the rest.

Like so many lists of “what the high-performers do…”, you cannot expect to master all these skills overnight. But, slowly but surely you start to master each of these skills as you grow the agency.

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Robert Craven Robert Craven

How to… Hire Your First Business Development Manager?

This question comes my way most weeks so I thought I should tackle it on paper.

Taking on your first Business Development Manager (BDM) is a big move… for any agency.

It’s a clear signal that you feel ready to ramp up growth and expand your client base. However, it comes with its own set of challenges and things to think about.

Here’s how to ensure your new BDM hits the ground running and drives real value for you and your agency.

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Articles Jamie Stenning Articles Jamie Stenning

How Can a Mastermind Group Accelerate Your Agency Growth?

Mastermind Groups are a meeting of minds. A place where you can be honest and truthful about your situation: and you can expect to get honest and truthful feedback in return. In our latest blog, we get down to brass tacks about the results your agency can achieve - in the short and long run.

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Articles Janusz Stabik Articles Janusz Stabik

Calling Time on Billing by the Hour

Whilst hourly billing makes sense as a start-up, the numbers fail to stack up as you scale.

Changing up your pricing model might seem like a pretty daunting task, but trust us, getting your pricing on point will save you pain (and make you a healthier profit) in the long run.

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