Interviews, conversations & regular updates from the GYDA team and expert associates.
Take a look through our regular interviews and thought leadership brought to you in video form. Use the tag cloud to filter the collection by topic.
N.B. We’ve recently migrated our website to our new platform and this section is still a work in progress. Please bear with us whilst we tidy things up (expect a few fonts to be out of place, images missing and broken links in the interim).
Robert Craven on Showing People you Care
“People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care”
Theodore Roosevelt.
Robert Craven talks about how to implement this in your digital agency.
Robert Craven on Getting the Staff you Deserve
Robert takes two minutes to elaborate on his comment of 'you get the staff you deserve'.
Robert Craven on the 80/20 rule
Listen to Robert talking about the all important 80/20 rule!
Video - Robert Craven on Winners and Losers in Recessionary Times
Video where Robert Craven talks about Winners and Losers in Recessionary Times.
Video - Robert Craven on Obstacles to Growing Your Agency
Watch Robert Craven talking about the obstacles to growing your agency.
What is preventing you from growing?
What are your agencies biggest pain points?
What sources best generate new business leads?
What is preventing you from growing as quickly as you should be?
Thought Bubble - Robert Craven on New Business - Strangers, Friends and Lovers
Answering the question, ‘who will help me grow my agency?’: Strangers, Friends and Lovers. Listen to Robert talking about this during this 4 minute thought-provoking video.
Thought Bubble - Why You Need Happy Customers
What do your customers really think? How do they feel? Are they really happy? And most importantly are you delivering a service that makes them want to carry on working with you? Listen to Robert having a quick chat about the subject.
Thought Bubble - The Top Eight Questions Asked by Agency Owners
In this video short Robert answers the top eight questions that he gets asked again and again
Presentation - Why is it so hard to grow an agency?
Robert Craven talks through:
Why can’t we get better customers? Why aren’t we more profitable? Why won’t people do what we expect? Plus loads more!
Thought Bubble - Open, Honest and Transparent
Are you open, honest and transparent? You may claim to be, but are you really? Listen to this video short from Robert where he talks about how to actually live by the values you claim to have.
Thought Bubble - Is This the Very Best Time to Invest in Your Agency?
Listen to Robert talking about the cycle of our economy and whether it's the very best time to be investing in your agency.
Thought Bubble - Robert Craven on Getting on Stage Again
Listen to this video short where Robert talks about his excitement about getting back into the real world and being on stage again... do you feel the same?
Thought Bubble - CEO Mindset
Why is mindset so important, now more than ever? We're living in incredibly challenging times, here's how to get your mojo back.
Thought Bubble - How to Dig Deeper With Your Clients
How to get more out of the relationship with your clients. How to connect with them more. How to help them understand the value that you add. Listen to this video short from Robert and learn some top tips to help with your clients.
Thought Bubble - How to Show What You Stand For
A lot of people talk about how you need to tell your customers what you stand for... but how do you do it? Listen to Robert giving his insight into the subject.
Thought Bubble - Three Ways to Ask for Business
In this video short, Robert will talk you through three strategies to ask for new business. A must see for all agency owners!
Thought Bubble - What Do Customers Want?
In this thought bubble Robert talks Marketing 101... have you forgotten what your customers actually want?
Thought Bubble - Good Thing, Bad Thing
Is it good or is it bad? It's all about how you view the situation. Listen to Robert talking about good thing, bad thing in this video short.
Thought Bubble - The Lonely Entrepreneur
It's hard being at the top. Being a business leader can be lonely. You need to be a million things to a million different people and the pressure that you're under is immense. Listen to this video short from Robert where he talks about being a lonely entrepreneur.
Thought Bubble - Business Friends
There's a huge difference in business colleagues and business friends. One you work with in a professional capacity and the other are your peers and friends that offer you support and advice. Listen to Robert talking about both and why it's important to know the difference.