GYDA Summit 2024 Presentation - Mark Colgan, GYDA - I Have 99 Problems… But Pipeline Ain't One of Them

In this presentation from GYDA Summit 2024, Mark Colgan talks about I Have 99 Problems...But Pipeline Ain't One of Them.

With a never-ending to-do list and multiple fires to put out each day - how do you actually focus on generating a pipeline?

Bio: Mark Colgan

Mark previously ran a 100-person agency and exited a Digital PR agency in 2022. He's a Sales Prospecting coach and has taught over 1000 students and helps agencies with generating pipelines and closing deals.

GYDA Summit will be back next year, check out the details here:



GYDA Summit 2024 Presentation - Tom Telford - Same Fish, Different Ponds: The Journey Through Acquisition


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