Article - If Carlsberg Ran a Digital Agency

READ: 1 min

AUTHOR: Robert Craven

Such a great question.

So, here goes, after talking with many people brighter than myself…

If Carlsberg ran an agency…

It would be able to demonstrate its competence and explain what distinguishes it. It would get awesome NPS scores and win awards (if that sort of thing was felt to be of value).

The agency would be clear about its focus and who it was working for. As a result, relationships could be deepened in every sense.

Here are some John Warrillow-type suggestions (see Built to Sell):

  • The agency would thrive with, or without, the founder being present. The agency would be its own brand. In its own right. Not dependent on the owner for its survival and reputation in the marketplace.

  • Predictable systems would be in place for both business development and for operations and service delivery.

  • Clients would quickly be cash-generating, many if not all would be retainer-based on long-term contracts. (See John Warrillow’s Built to Sell on this subject.)

  • No one client would represent more than 15% of turnover.

  • Products and services could be productised and sold 1-2-many.

  • Sales and pricing would be based on value-added and not on hours worked.

And as well as that list, I would add:

  • The agency would be able to scale its systems and processes.

  • The agency would be able to predict what the client wants before she even knows it herself.

  • Because of the agency’s ability to change and flex and because of the strength of the relationship with clients, the agency would have clients come to them for support, advice and direction at board level.

  • From the client’s point of view, the agency would be a delight to work with. It would make life easier, take away her problems and solve them, as well as make everything faster, more effective, cheaper and more profitable. Generally everything would feel and be better because of the relationship making life easier. 


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